Voucher application form
A payment voucher for people who don’t have access to an acceptable credit card.
When we receive this form and your cleared payment, we will send you a voucher number by email. You then book your LNAT sitting online but you use your voucher number for payment instead of a card number.
NOTE: LNAT does not take the money from your account when we receive your application form. You have to send us the money, by instructing your bank to transfer it to our account.
Our bank details
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: LNAT Consortium Ltd
Sort code: 30-84-04
Account number: 35825068
IBAN number: GB80 LOYD 3084 0435 8250 68
BIC number: LOYDGB21743 (Branch is: Clifton Bristol)
* The information supplied on this form will be securely held and treated confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act. It will be used by LNAT Consortium Ltd for the purpose of processing your voucher application and will then be retained on a database to enable LNAT Consortium Ltd to conduct statistical analyses and for accounting purposes. The information will not be made available outside the LNAT Consortium Ltd.